We tore up our podcast schedule. Today we’re scrappy & immediate.

All the awful things about the coronavirus crisis are obvious — from the economic calamity and disruption of social distancing to the virus itself. But for podcasters, there are opportunities as well challenges. When the pandemic erupted, our team at “How Do We Fix It?” had to react in a hurry. We tossed our spring program … Continue reading We tore up our podcast schedule. Today we’re scrappy & immediate.

Throw away the seatbelts. What I had to un-learn after a long career in network radio.

For more than three decades I spent my working life in network radio news, reading scripts and speaking to the clock. As a journalist covering politics, wars and the financial markets, I had to master the art of the precis — telling compact, compelling stories using a minimum number of carefully chosen words. As a radio news-talk … Continue reading Throw away the seatbelts. What I had to un-learn after a long career in network radio.

I swam with Muslims in The Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee at sunset...Looking west Us versus them. Right against wrong. Accept the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement. Wag your finger and reject it outright. Far too often in our beautiful, colorful, chaotic and profoundly interesting world, political and moral arguments are reduced to simple either/or choices. My side good. Your side bad. In … Continue reading I swam with Muslims in The Sea of Galilee

On podcasting: the small picture

The other day a young man in his 20’s told me something very sad. While he has a strong moral sense and believes in the necessity of profound political change, and would like to do something to make the world a better place, he doesn’t know where to start. My friend sees no connection between … Continue reading On podcasting: the small picture

Too Much Opinion. Not Enough Reporting. How Do We Fix It?

This is written in response to a Medium post by Lewis Wallace, a talented, brave and passionate young journalist who worked for the public radio show, Marketplace.  He was fired this week for refusing to take down his post.  The headline was: "Objectivity is Dead, and I'm okay with it." -- I disagree. A reporter's job … Continue reading Too Much Opinion. Not Enough Reporting. How Do We Fix It?

How Do We Fix It? No. Never Make a Podcast Unless…

I've been into audio ever since I was a little kid who slapped 45 rpm green, red, yellow and orange Disney discs onto the record player my parents gave me when I was six years old. The stories, voices and jingles really were music to my ears. Not long after college, to no-one's great surprise, … Continue reading How Do We Fix It? No. Never Make a Podcast Unless…

How Do We Fix It: Time to Stop Sneering At Donald Trump Voters.

Retired steel workers union boss Lou Mavrakis is the Democratic Mayor of Monessen, Pennsylvania.  In 2008 he campaigned for Barack Obama.  This year he's supporting Donald Trump. "You're in the heart of where steel and coal was born," Mavrakis told Martha Raddatz of ABC News. But most of the good jobs have gone and this faded town's population collapsed from … Continue reading How Do We Fix It: Time to Stop Sneering At Donald Trump Voters.