Listening Numbers Are Booming, But Even Spotify Doesn’t Know If It Will Make Money From Podcasts.

I’m a bit old school. While podcasting occupies much of my time each day, a long-established habit of slowly leafing through the pages of newspapers continues to be a source pleasure. Print discoveries are made without digital nudges from algorithms. Among my favorite finds last week was in the “C-Suite Strategies” section of The Wall … Continue reading Listening Numbers Are Booming, But Even Spotify Doesn’t Know If It Will Make Money From Podcasts.

Let 550,000 flowers bloom. The stunning variety of podcasting is also its charm.

I was kind of giddy last weekend after that SNL podcast skit. The one that made fun of our emerging industry. In the send up, a bearded and bespectacled Liev Shreiber (who played Michael Barbaro) said that podcasts “are like delicious little whispered documentaries.” Wow, SNL is making fun of us! We’re on the map. One more … Continue reading Let 550,000 flowers bloom. The stunning variety of podcasting is also its charm.

Marketers are listening. At last, podcasting is a thing at Advertising Week.

Finally it's happening. Advertisers and marketers are waking up to the great potential of podcasting. At this week's Advertising Week conference in New York, there's interest, even excitement, about audio-- both music and speech. Unlike previous years, when our industry was virtually ignored at this annual event, an entire morning of panel sessions has been … Continue reading Marketers are listening. At last, podcasting is a thing at Advertising Week.