Why the growth of podcasting is part of a much bigger trend: The microphoning of America.

“Beyond $1 Billion” podcast panel at 2019 Advertising Week. Not so long ago podcasting was barely noticed by the powers that be at Advertising Week, the annual mega-conference in New York for advertising and marketing executives. Our medium was just a little outhouse in the backyard of a mighty media mansion that was dominated by … Continue reading Why the growth of podcasting is part of a much bigger trend: The microphoning of America.

Podcasts: When The Missing Ingredient Is Soul.

If you want to start a podcast, the barriers to entry are low. Good equipment is cheap and there are plenty of smart, simple “how to” guides to get you and your organization in the game. But what most experts and consultants won’t tell you is that to be successful, your podcast needs soul. You … Continue reading Podcasts: When The Missing Ingredient Is Soul.

We’re Going to Fail 99% of the Time. And That’s OK.

"Data is the new black" gushed one speaker at Advertising Week, the just-completed annual gathering in New York for the advertising and marketing industry. Thanks to great improvements in data research on customer behavior, "now we are not guessing," said another. The wow factors here this week were data, video and Virtual Reality.  With good … Continue reading We’re Going to Fail 99% of the Time. And That’s OK.

The 5 Things I Learned About Leaving a Job In Corporate America For a Brand New Startup.

     It's been just over a year since I left steady employment in corporate America, jumped off a cliff and launched a podcasting start-up. My work is now more exciting and purposeful, but at times I've been scared and uncertain about what to do next.  There've been some painful mistakes that I don't want others … Continue reading The 5 Things I Learned About Leaving a Job In Corporate America For a Brand New Startup.

Father’s Day Thoughts: Time to Celebrate and Say Thank-You to Our Kids 

   When I was young I  had a hard time smiling for the camera.  Mug shots of me were awkward and uncomfortable.   But that quickly changed when our daughter Kate was born 29 years ago.  It was as if a light bulb went on.  For some magical reason that I will never understand, now … Continue reading Father’s Day Thoughts: Time to Celebrate and Say Thank-You to Our Kids 

Burger King’s Northern Exposure: Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire?

(Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images)This blog is adapted from my ABCNews.com daily business blogBurger King is facing a grilling from critics of U.S. companies that move overseas to cut their tax bills.“I’ve eaten my last Whopper,” is among the many angry comments on Burger King’s Facebook page. That one received more than 1,000 "likes" at the company's social media … Continue reading Burger King’s Northern Exposure: Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire?

What Walmart & Amazon Could Teach Congress

Mike Licht NotionsCapital.comQuick question. What's the biggest difference between our business and political leaders? One group is intensely focused on getting things done, while the other keeps repeating the same old rhetoric. I'll leave it up to you to decide who's who! I was struck by these starkly different mindsets when I came across two … Continue reading What Walmart & Amazon Could Teach Congress

London: I Changed My Mind

London and Cranes, a photo by against the tide on Flickr. London is a city of cranes, and it has really changed my mind about how I think about this great old city. You see cranes and new buildings all over the place, from a huge new development that's going up near Victoria Station to … Continue reading London: I Changed My Mind