Marketers are listening. At last, podcasting is a thing at Advertising Week.

Finally it's happening. Advertisers and marketers are waking up to the great potential of podcasting. At this week's Advertising Week conference in New York, there's interest, even excitement, about audio-- both music and speech. Unlike previous years, when our industry was virtually ignored at this annual event, an entire morning of panel sessions has been … Continue reading Marketers are listening. At last, podcasting is a thing at Advertising Week.

How Do We Fix It?  You and Me.  Our Role in Partisan Divide

 How many times have you heard someone say: "I'm fed up with the campaign and politics in general." That's hardly surprising at a time when media coverage has focused on personal insults, name-calling and partisan gridlock, instead of governance and compromise. But much of this is our fault. Not just the politicians.  From older angry … Continue reading How Do We Fix It?  You and Me.  Our Role in Partisan Divide