2020 Democrats Debates Will Disappoint. Here’s Why Podcasts Are So Much Better.

Welcome to the presidential debate season. This evening, tomorrow, and then over 16 long months, several dozen proposed debates will occupy much of the news media’s fevered attention. Millions of us will tune in, but we may well be disappointed. Instead of informed, insightful coverage of complex issues and character of the candidates, the debates … Continue reading 2020 Democrats Debates Will Disappoint. Here’s Why Podcasts Are So Much Better.

Be Positive When You Send Texts, email, and Make Podcasts: That’s So Much Better Than Saying “No”.

Podcasting, by its very nature, is an optimistic endeavor. From venture capitalists and big media firms who’ve poured huge sums of money into risky podcast ventures, to small teams of independent producers, we are all making a big bet that our shows will reach their intended audience. The enthusiasm and passion that we express for … Continue reading Be Positive When You Send Texts, email, and Make Podcasts: That’s So Much Better Than Saying “No”.

Listening Numbers Are Booming, But Even Spotify Doesn’t Know If It Will Make Money From Podcasts.

I’m a bit old school. While podcasting occupies much of my time each day, a long-established habit of slowly leafing through the pages of newspapers continues to be a source pleasure. Print discoveries are made without digital nudges from algorithms. Among my favorite finds last week was in the “C-Suite Strategies” section of The Wall … Continue reading Listening Numbers Are Booming, But Even Spotify Doesn’t Know If It Will Make Money From Podcasts.

Why we listen to podcasts and what makes them different from radio and other forms of communication.

Podcasting is now mainstream and has just moved into a new phase. Let’s call it the 2nd Wave. While most media content producers no longer need convincing that they should be doing podcasts, they’re also starting to realize that this medium is unique and that they don’t know how to make them. Unique how? - … Continue reading Why we listen to podcasts and what makes them different from radio and other forms of communication.