Hey, Hillary! Tell More Stories.

By most measures Hillary Clinton had a pretty good night in her first debate with Donald Trump.  But something was missing. Her disciplined performance may have convinced wavering voters to be somewhat more comfortable with the idea of her as President.  Clinton's cool, calm demeanor contrasted with Donald Trump's repeated interruptions and bluster.  She was … Continue reading Hey, Hillary! Tell More Stories.

How Do We Fix It: Time to Stop Sneering At Donald Trump Voters.

Retired steel workers union boss Lou Mavrakis is the Democratic Mayor of Monessen, Pennsylvania.  In 2008 he campaigned for Barack Obama.  This year he's supporting Donald Trump. "You're in the heart of where steel and coal was born," Mavrakis told Martha Raddatz of ABC News. But most of the good jobs have gone and this faded town's population collapsed from … Continue reading How Do We Fix It: Time to Stop Sneering At Donald Trump Voters.

How Do We Fix It? How Bill Clinton Smashed the Passion Gap 

   Unscripted comments often give us the worst moments of the Presidential campaign. Look no further than the embarrassing Republican debate in early March, when Donald Trump bragged about his penis. But once in a while a tense, uncomfortable encounter can turn into a civics lesson. And so it was when Bill Clinton stood up … Continue reading How Do We Fix It? How Bill Clinton Smashed the Passion Gap 

Our Gun Control Debate Misses The Target. We Need A New Conversation.

   I do a podcast called "How Do We Fix It?."  And it would be good thing if we could get a conversation going about gun crime. One that went somewhere and introduced some new ideas. But I'm not sure it's possible. It's been a week since the Umpqua Community College massacre in Oregon and … Continue reading Our Gun Control Debate Misses The Target. We Need A New Conversation.

Why Hillary Clinton May Have To Make Only Simple Change To Turn Things Around.

   The one really big thing the polls are telling us right now is that the American people want a Presidential candidate who tells it like it is.  Donald Trump is the prime example of the unplugged guy who says outrageous things and is fun to watch.  Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders are also anti-establishment … Continue reading Why Hillary Clinton May Have To Make Only Simple Change To Turn Things Around.