2020 Democrats Debates Will Disappoint. Here’s Why Podcasts Are So Much Better.

Welcome to the presidential debate season. This evening, tomorrow, and then over 16 long months, several dozen proposed debates will occupy much of the news media’s fevered attention. Millions of us will tune in, but we may well be disappointed. Instead of informed, insightful coverage of complex issues and character of the candidates, the debates … Continue reading 2020 Democrats Debates Will Disappoint. Here’s Why Podcasts Are So Much Better.

Why Does This Gucci Model Look So Miserable?

   The Thanksgiving Day newspapers landed with a thud on the front doorstep.  Even now in this digital age when most of us get our news online, the papers are stuffed with expensive colorful circulars and retail ads.  Most of the mass-market pitches are bright, loud and pretty straightforward, proclaiming "Black Friday Deals" and "Doorbuster" … Continue reading Why Does This Gucci Model Look So Miserable?