Throw away the seatbelts. What I had to un-learn after a long career in network radio.

For more than three decades I spent my working life in network radio news, reading scripts and speaking to the clock. As a journalist covering politics, wars and the financial markets, I had to master the art of the precis — telling compact, compelling stories using a minimum number of carefully chosen words. As a radio news-talk … Continue reading Throw away the seatbelts. What I had to un-learn after a long career in network radio.

Star Wars, Holiday Toys and The Magic of How Kids Play

   Have you finished your holiday shopping yet?   Me neither. Over the years, I've the found that the hardest - and most delightful - people to buy for are kids. The toys, games and gifts that we get them represent much more than simply a nice little trinket of affection.   They're symbols of … Continue reading Star Wars, Holiday Toys and The Magic of How Kids Play

Lessons I learned from “How Do We Fix It?” Podcast #1

  Developmental Psychologist Abigail Baird... Our first guest on our new podcast. This is launch day, and there's excitement in our house.   I'm writing this on the morning of June 10th, two months to the day since I moved on from full-time employment as Business Correspondent and news anchor at ABC News Radio to work … Continue reading Lessons I learned from “How Do We Fix It?” Podcast #1

I’ve Got a Blog. So, Why Am I Launching a Brand New Kick-Ass Podcast?

    Co-host Jim Meigs and I on the How Do We Fix It? Facebook page. We're in the final stages of building a brand new weekly podcast, and I'm pretty excited about it.  If all goes well, How Do We Fix It? will be up on iTunes by June 10th. That would be exactly two … Continue reading I’ve Got a Blog. So, Why Am I Launching a Brand New Kick-Ass Podcast?