How Do We Fix It? When Did It Become Cool To Be So Angry?

Why are so many of us so damn angry? Signs of fury are everywhere.  The national mood has darkened and it's doing nothing to improve our democracy. From chaotic scenes last weekend in Las Vegas when Bernie Sanders' supporters threw a hissy fit at the Nevada's Democratic Convention, to Donald Trump's string of outrageous insults, it seems … Continue reading How Do We Fix It? When Did It Become Cool To Be So Angry?

How Do We Fix It? How Bill Clinton Smashed the Passion Gap 

   Unscripted comments often give us the worst moments of the Presidential campaign. Look no further than the embarrassing Republican debate in early March, when Donald Trump bragged about his penis. But once in a while a tense, uncomfortable encounter can turn into a civics lesson. And so it was when Bill Clinton stood up … Continue reading How Do We Fix It? How Bill Clinton Smashed the Passion Gap 

How Do We Fix It?  You and Me.  Our Role in Partisan Divide

 How many times have you heard someone say: "I'm fed up with the campaign and politics in general." That's hardly surprising at a time when media coverage has focused on personal insults, name-calling and partisan gridlock, instead of governance and compromise. But much of this is our fault. Not just the politicians.  From older angry … Continue reading How Do We Fix It?  You and Me.  Our Role in Partisan Divide

How Do We Fix It? What Elites and Pundits Don’t Know About The Rest of Us.

   The results are in from the latest batch of primaries.  Once again, the year's most surprising trends persist: Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are doing far better than pundits, pollsters and elites had expected. Despite a furious and well-funded campaign against him by the Republican establishment, Trump trounced his rivals in Mississippi and Michigan. … Continue reading How Do We Fix It? What Elites and Pundits Don’t Know About The Rest of Us.

How Do We Fix It? 2 Cheers For Compromise 

   Ready for a word that Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders would consider to be an obscenity?   Compromise. Insults, anger and disgust are in, while deal-making, compromise and governance are so old school.  We're all too busy having a national hissy fit to sit down and do the boring, important stuff.  My friend Mark … Continue reading How Do We Fix It? 2 Cheers For Compromise 

Why Hillary Clinton May Have To Make Only Simple Change To Turn Things Around.

   The one really big thing the polls are telling us right now is that the American people want a Presidential candidate who tells it like it is.  Donald Trump is the prime example of the unplugged guy who says outrageous things and is fun to watch.  Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders are also anti-establishment … Continue reading Why Hillary Clinton May Have To Make Only Simple Change To Turn Things Around.