Smoking Ban if You’re Under 21: the Case Against New York City’s Ban

Save lives.  Raise the legal smoking age from 18 to 21.  Discourage young people from smoking.  Who could be opposed to that? But there are strong arguments against the  new law approved by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  Banning 18 - 20 year olds from legally buying cigarettes really is arguably a double standard. It's easy to see this … Continue reading Smoking Ban if You’re Under 21: the Case Against New York City’s Ban

Listen Up! It Could Change The World

These people are listening very closely to what's going on around them. They have brought all of themselves to this moment.  So did I. Listening carefully to the musical  audio sculpture by Janet Cardiff , "The Forty Part Motet",  now being presented at The Cloisters in New York,  got me thinking about how we listen. … Continue reading Listen Up! It Could Change The World

What Walmart & Amazon Could Teach Congress

Mike Licht NotionsCapital.comQuick question. What's the biggest difference between our business and political leaders? One group is intensely focused on getting things done, while the other keeps repeating the same old rhetoric. I'll leave it up to you to decide who's who! I was struck by these starkly different mindsets when I came across two … Continue reading What Walmart & Amazon Could Teach Congress

Hey! I’ve Got A Great Stock Market Investment Tip For You

If there is one really important thing that I've learned in more than 25 years of Wall Street and business reporting it's what I don't know. I haven't got a clue where the stock market is going next.  And despite all the outrageous claims made by investment professionals neither has anyone else. Now I've got … Continue reading Hey! I’ve Got A Great Stock Market Investment Tip For You

Shutdown Dysfunction – It’s Far From Over!

So maybe you're relieved that the US Government stepped back from the brink and did not default on its debt.  A return to more civilized debate perhaps? Um...  no. Sadly, this mess is far from over.  The harsh partisan divide, with both sides talking past each other, drags on. While some like to portray the … Continue reading Shutdown Dysfunction – It’s Far From Over!

Basil Fawlty Lives!

London - OK this is it.  Final thoughts on my trip to England. The blue rooster on the old grey rectangular plinth once reserved for a statue of a long-dead member of Britain's ruling class near Nelson's Column, is an example of how many here would like to think of themselves.  Fun, a little bit … Continue reading Basil Fawlty Lives!

London: I Changed My Mind

London and Cranes, a photo by against the tide on Flickr. London is a city of cranes, and it has really changed my mind about how I think about this great old city. You see cranes and new buildings all over the place, from a huge new development that's going up near Victoria Station to … Continue reading London: I Changed My Mind

Britain Sets a Royal Mail Example

Mells, England - Today is the deadline for British investors to apply to buy shares in the Royal Mail, the world's oldest postal service. What a contrast to the sorry state of the US Postal Service, which is losing billions of dollars a year, and has been repeatedly bailed out by taxpayers. The IPO here … Continue reading Britain Sets a Royal Mail Example

Pope Francis: Truly Radical

London - There 's nothing quite like travel to change my mind. One of the joys of being over here in England is to read the British press (there are at least 9 daily national newspapers) and listen to the BBC.  The art of conversation is highly prized and a crucial part of a rich … Continue reading Pope Francis: Truly Radical