2020 Democrats Debates Will Disappoint. Here’s Why Podcasts Are So Much Better.

Welcome to the presidential debate season. This evening, tomorrow, and then over 16 long months, several dozen proposed debates will occupy much of the news media’s fevered attention. Millions of us will tune in, but we may well be disappointed. Instead of informed, insightful coverage of complex issues and character of the candidates, the debates … Continue reading 2020 Democrats Debates Will Disappoint. Here’s Why Podcasts Are So Much Better.

How Do We Fix It? When Did It Become Cool To Be So Angry?

Why are so many of us so damn angry? Signs of fury are everywhere.  The national mood has darkened and it's doing nothing to improve our democracy. From chaotic scenes last weekend in Las Vegas when Bernie Sanders' supporters threw a hissy fit at the Nevada's Democratic Convention, to Donald Trump's string of outrageous insults, it seems … Continue reading How Do We Fix It? When Did It Become Cool To Be So Angry?

Solutions Advice For Jeb Bush… Be Positive.  Have Some Fun At The Expense of Donald Trump

   The man Jon Stewart called "the comb-over King" is giving Jeb Bush a bunch of bad hair days.  This was the guy who was supposed to be the optimistic candidate, who campaigns with "joy in my heart".  But Bush 3 been thrown horribly off his game by the great usurper, Donald Trump. "Mr. Bush … Continue reading Solutions Advice For Jeb Bush… Be Positive.  Have Some Fun At The Expense of Donald Trump