Podcasting Movement:  Kind of Like Woodstock Without the Sex, Mud and Rock n Roll

   Actress and comedian Aisha Tyler on podcasting:  "I do it because I love it" I'm just back from Podcast Movement, the annual pep rally, support group and two-day college course for podcasters in Fort Worth.  Chances are you've never been to an industry show quite like this one. 1100 attendees paid $500 each, plus … Continue reading Podcasting Movement:  Kind of Like Woodstock Without the Sex, Mud and Rock n Roll

What Walmart & Amazon Could Teach Congress

Mike Licht NotionsCapital.comQuick question. What's the biggest difference between our business and political leaders? One group is intensely focused on getting things done, while the other keeps repeating the same old rhetoric. I'll leave it up to you to decide who's who! I was struck by these starkly different mindsets when I came across two … Continue reading What Walmart & Amazon Could Teach Congress